U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Taking Comments On Enbridge Line 3
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is accepting comments on Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 oil pipeline as the federal agency considers the project’s wetlands permits.
While the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission on Monday once again approved a certificate of need, route permit and environmental review for Line 3, numerous other permits are still being weighed by other agencies.
The Army Corps regulates the placement of fill material in wetlands as well as work and structures in “navigable waters,” but does not regulate the construction, operation of pipelines or the materials transported by the pipelines.
According to the Army Corps, Line 3 would cross 80 miles of wetlands in Minnesota and one mile in North Dakota, resulting in temporary impacts to 1,050 acres of wetland and a permanent impact to 9 acres of wetlands. The pipeline would cross 218 water bodies, half of which are ditches, the Army Corps said.
The controversial pipeline is set to replace the 50-year-old Line 3 and carry 760,000 barrels of oil (31.92 million gallons) per day from Alberta to the Enbridge terminal in Superior.
Through March 6, public comments can be emailed to CEMVP-L3R-PN-Comments@usace.army.mil or mailed to District Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, 180 Fifth St. E., Suite 700, St. Paul, MN 55101.